The Frostbite Cup: it all started in 2015…

It was an initiative of some J/80 sailors from R&ZV Naarden to start a winter competition. It soon became apparent that there was a lot of enthusiasm for this and (15) J/80s appeared at the start every month. But at the Frostbite Cup there are now about 30 J/80s eager to start and compete. With a large international occupancy, this is the largest unit class that sails in winter.

The up & down competitions for the J/80s take place in the middle of the Gooimeer and because it is winter and there is no weed, we can use the entire Gooimeer to create a fantastic competition track. The dates have been chosen in such a way that you can also go on skiing with your family like most other people in the Netherlands.

The first start will take place at 11 a.m. exactly and a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 up-down races will be sailed per Sunday. We aim to make each match 45-60 minutes. At the end of the competitions there will be a prize ceremony, and the bar is open.



Competition dates 2024/2025

  • Act 1: 6 October 2024
  • Act 2: 10 November 2024
  • Act 3: 1 December 2024
  • Act 4: 15 December 2024
  • Act 5: 12 January 2025
  • Act 6: 9 February 2025
  • Act 7: 16 March 2025 (price giving)


Entry fee is EUR 275,00.
Fee for members of RZVN EUR 250,00
Do you want to become member? Click here for more information.
(Membership cost 60 euro annually excluding fee Watersportverbond (21,20 euro))


Extra events like additional trainings and speed races will be announced later.

Frostbite Impression 2019

Frostbite December 2018

Frostbite Final 2019

Frostbite 4th raceday 2017-2018


2025 Activiteit
16 maart
zondag (deel 7 / 7)
Frostbite Cup 2024/2025
Jachthaven Naarden
26 maart
Het 'Behouden Huys'
30 maart
Gereserveerd voor Vaarwens
Het Behouden Huys
2 april
Openingsavond WAC
'Het Behouden Huys'
4 april
vrijdag (deel 1 / 3)
Open Dutch Championship J/80


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The J/80 committee can be reached at 08j.[antispam]